

Before initiating a minting transaction, you must deposit assets as collateral

  • In the sidebar, select "Mint"

  • Choose the network to which you want to deposit your assets.

  • Enter the amount you want to supply and click "Deposit" to submit your transaction. Once the transaction has been finalized, your collateral deposited will be displayed on the right dashboard.

Transactions can take approximately 15 minutes to reach finality


  • Enter the amount of zUSD you want to mint

  • Mintable: is the maximum amount of zUSD you can mint. This amount is calculated based on the assets you have collateralized and the amount of assets you have recorded in the deposit section.

  • The LTV scroll bar will help you easily determine the corresponding amount of zUSD as a percentage of the total collateralized assets

  • To ensure the safety of your collateral assets, we only allow borrowing up to 80% of the value

Minimum Collateralization Ratio (MCR) is the least amount of collateral, that needs to be pledged against a given loan.

  • Then, click "Mint" if you only mint, or "Deposit & Mint" if you do both and sign the transaction.

Last updated